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Last updated Tue Oct 01 2024

20 Popup Survey Questions to Ask Your Visitors

Survey your visitors, and you will uncover everything you need to know about your visitors—what they struggle with, what they want, what they need.

And what better way to survey your visitors than through website popups.

A popup survey brings all the benefits of regular popups—broad targeting, scalability—to surveys. But just like regular surveys, your popup survey needs to ask the right questions to find the unique insights you are looking for.

To do so, we’ll take a look at 20 popup survey questions you should ask your visitors.

Stop guessing what your customers want

Create smart popup surveys that capture what your customers really think.

popup animated

5 Survey Questions to Fix Cart Abandonment

To fix your cart abandonment issues, you need to understand why your visitors leave their carts in the first place. Something made them want to purchase your products, but something else caused them to leave without buying. A survey can reveal that problem.

According to The Baymard Institute, there are several reasons why people abandon their shopping carts:

stats cart

All of these problems appear after a shopper adds a product to cart. The biggest reason behind cart abandonment is that companies surprise their visitors and break their expectations—e.g., after they decide to make a purchase, they leave when they find out they have to pay for shipping and handling.

The specific reasons why your visitors abandon their carts could be plenty—it could be one of the reasons shown above, a mix, or none of them.

For that reason, your popup survey should ask some of the following five questions:

  • What’s stopping you from finishing your purchase?

  • Why didn’t you order with us?

  • What would make you finish your purchase today?

  • What was your biggest fear or concern about purchasing from us?

  • What would have made you complete your purchase?

An example of popup survey

The answers to these questions should be open-ended—even if you think you know the answer, let the visitor explain with their own words what’s driving them to exit your store.

Activate the cart abandonment popup survey with the help of exit-intent technology. Make it show up anywhere on the site as long as the visitor has a product in their cart.

To improve the chances of getting your visitors to answer your survey, give them a discount (here are 18 discount and coupon ideas for you). Remember that they are leaving your store, which means they’re unsatisfied with your company. A discount may entice them to complete your survey and, at the same time, finish their purchase.

Survey offers discount in advance of taking a part

To improve your conversions even further, consider changing your abandoned cart email sequence, so it includes all the information that you get from your surveys.

A beginner's guide to collecting feedback:

How to collect customer feedback: methods and examples

5 Survey Questions for Customer Satisfaction

A customer satisfaction survey can help you understand what your customers think about your products and services, your brand, and how you treat them.

With this information, you can improve your products, product promotion strategies, user experience, and the overall customer experience you provide.

Five of the most effective customer satisfaction questions you can ask are:

  • How likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend?: This question measures the “Net Promoter Score,” a critical customer satisfaction metric.

  • How would you describe your experience with us?: This one aims to find the exact words your customers would use to describe their overall experience with your company.

  • How happy are you with our brand/products/services/offers?: This question looks to understand the satisfaction your customers feel regarding specific products or services.

  • If you could change just one thing about our product/service/offers, what would it be?: This question looks for potential improvements in the products and services offered, which can trigger many ideas for new offers.

  • What made you choose us over other companies?: This one is trickier than the other ones, as many customers may not explain themselves clearly. Still, the answers you get will validate your value proposition, positioning, and overall marketing strategy.

An example of customer satisfaction survey

To increase the answers’ relevance, consider targeting your customer satisfaction questions to a specific action or event. For example, you can survey your visitors after they:

  • Talked to a customer support representative

  • Finished a purchase

  • Added a product review

  • Signed up for your email list

  • Read an article

5 Survey Questions for Customer Research

Every marketing strategy starts with proper customer research, and every marketing decision should come from your customers. Instead of guessing, customer research will show you:

  • The type of messages that resonate with your target market

  • The media your target market consumes (so you can promote your company there)

  • The behaviors they take, and the mindsets that drive them

Marketers use “personas” as an idealized representation of their target audience, which they build from data they extract from surveys, 1-on-1 interviews, and other qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

A infographic that shows how to create a marketing persona


The best customer research survey questions allow the visitor to give their thoughts openly. While some cases allow for the provision of pre-written answers, as a rule of thumb, your customer research surveys should always give the option for custom answers—the “Other” field you often see in surveys.

Some helpful customer research survey questions you can ask are:

  • How did you find us?: This question will be useful to measure your marketing effectiveness and adjust your promotion tactics properly.

  • How would you describe our company?: This question will also help you analyze how well your positioning and marketing strategy resonates with your customers.

  • What are your biggest challenges?: This is a critical question to uncover potential marketing messaging ideas and new products or services to offer.

  • Where do you go for information?: This question will show you the media your customers trust for their information, which, as explained before, will help you improve your advertising campaigns’ targeting.

  • What are your favorite brands in the space?: This question will show you who your competitors are, and also show what type of marketing messages and offers your customers enjoy.

Example of customer research survey questions

5 Survey Questions to Improve User Experience

User experience is one of the foundations of your ecommerce marketing strategy. Think about it this way: a visitor that enjoys visiting a website will be more likely to purchase from your company than if they struggle to fulfill their visit’s goals.

The goal of your questions should be to uncover any issues they have about their visit, and find any positive words they may have about it.

You can ask the following five questions for actionable and insightful website feedback:

  • Have you found everything you were looking for?: This question will measure the effectiveness of your web design and user experience. You can use a “Yes/No” question, with the option of expanding the answer if they say “No.”

  • How satisfied are you with our site?: This is a more generic question that aims for a knee-jerk answer—most likely, it will lead to negative comments that you can use to fix any large usability issues.

  • How would you rate your experience on this website today?: This one uses a 0 to 10 scale—with 0 being the most negative answer and ten the most positive one—that measures the overall user experience level. You can also let the respondents give an open-ended justification to their answer.

  • Why are you leaving?: This question is useful when matched with exit-intent popups.

  • How are we doing?: This generic question looks to find any potential issues—or advantages—your visitors found when visiting your site.

Example of survey that asks about customer feelings

5 Tips to Create Your Popup Survey Questionnaire

  • Ask open-ended questions whenever possible. Your questions should always leave the respondent to answer as they wish. Leading questions—e.g., “What do you like the most about our great products?”—or questions with too many pre-written answers will lower your survey’s quality.

  • Use the right type of question. Every question has its own kind of answer. An open-ended question should leave room for an open-ended answer. Likewise, a closed-ended question—e.g., “How would you rate our customer support?”—should use a Likert scale.

  • Avoid double-negative statements. This type of statement often confuses the respondent, which leads to low-quality answers. Your questions should be clear—e.g., “What do you like about this product?” instead of “What don’t you dislike about this product?

  • Go for the root problem behind every issue. Questions that aim to find answers for issues should ask for their cause and not alternatives. Ask, “Why do you want to leave our site?” instead of “Would you stay if you got a discount?

  • Ask the most essential questions possible. Asking one question is better than asking none, but at the same time, asking too many questions will frustrate your visitor and lead to mediocre results. When writing your popup survey questions, make sure to pick the ones that you need the most and leave all the rest aside.

Popup Survey: Wrap-Up

The 20 popup survey questions shown here are just a sample of the universe of questions you can ask. In every case, you want to adapt the questions to your own needs, brand, and circumstance.

What matters the most is that you start running popup surveys on your website to collect user feedback, improve your website’s performance, and increase your customers’ satisfaction rates.

ivan kreimer

Ivan Kreimer

Ivan Kreimer is a freelance content marketer specializing in helping SaaS businesses to craft captivating content that establishes authority and spurs action. His insights have been showcased in prominent publications such as Entrepreneur and MarketingProfs.
